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About The Jersey Good Business Charter

The Jersey Good Business Charter is an initiative that highlights, celebrates and encourages the contribution of businesses in Jersey to building a better community and a better world.

The Charter is a standard of excellent business practice for companies with a presence in the island of Jersey. We operate independent of government and as a not-for-profit entity, drawing expertise on an honorary basis from the business community.

The Charter is governed by a Board, who are advised by a Council, and supported by an Executive Director.

The Charter Mark is then awarded by our Board to those Associate Member businesses that can demonstrate against a series of standards that they are serious about business ethics and corporate social responsibility, focusing on the impact of business on its people, supply chain, community, future generations and the planet.
Start Your Good Business Journey
The first step to achieving Charter Status is to become an Affiliate Member of the Charter. Affiliate Membership is based on the number of employees in your organisation